How do you design and illustrate a digital experience that engages young adults and children alike?
Cementing the two key audiences, families and young adults, prompted me to explore what visual style and app mechanics would appeal to both.
In games that appeal to both target user groups, there appeared to be two defined character styles;
Universally, there were similarities in character construction:
I delved into the significance and mythology behind each God to create a library of meaningful symbols.
These inspired the look and feel of each character; including colours, clothing, disposition and tone of voice.
Each character was paired to one the Earth's biomes and habitats based on their unique traits:
We also created a library of native flora and fauna to include in each biome in-game.
The characters are depicted befriending animals to represent symbiosis and harmony, but also to broaden their appeal to users who may prefer animal characters.
James could not think of any improvements for the base character style. However, I noticed the Helios character looked more child-like than the others.
Although James prefers heavily stylised characters, he liked the new, more realistic Helios better, and would be "more likely to play a game using this style".
How do you develop an app that provides adequate challenge and thorough enjoyment for young people?
The interviewees from our target user group were highly engaged in our initial app concept, and liked its progression.
In direct response to their feedback, wes:
See another process deep dive: